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To Agency or Not to Agency?


Updated: Aug 6, 2024

Agency Hero Image | Marketing Blog

We understand. Placing your business, your baby, into the hands of someone else can be uncomfortable, nerve-wracking, maybe even downright painful. As an entrepreneur, you feel no one could know what’s right for your business better than you. But hear us out. We’re going to give you a few reasons you may want to consider hiring a marketing agency.

Agencies Help with DIY Burnout

As a business owner, you have that fire that makes you feel as if you can learn and do anything. Graphic design? Sure. Copywriting? Yep. Social media? No problem. Email campaigns? Bring it. Yes, you could learn how to do all the things it takes to fulfill a marketing plan (and the aforementioned are just a few, by the way). However, the countless hours you would spend to become a Jack (or Janice) of all trades would take you away from the myriad of other responsibilities on your proverbial plate — and time is money, right? And you still have to devise an actual marketing plan.

Agencies hand-select marketing experts, including designers, writers, media buyers and the like, who have spent years honing their craft to do all that work for you. And they make sure it’s in alignment with a sound marketing strategy so that there aren’t any holes, from the visuals and messaging to delivery.

Marketing Expertise | Does Your Company Need a Marketing Agency?

Marketing Experts

Let’s say you do this marketing thing yourself anyway and implement a strategy based on your challenges and goals, self-made designs and all. Do you know how your efforts are contributing to increased web traffic? To leads? To more customers? Are they even working at all?

With an agency, not only do you get marketing talent, but you get proven strategies, shared experiences and access to advanced marketing technology, tech partners and platforms — the latter of which are vital for monitoring and measuring analytics, including the ever-important KPI. After all, analytics allow for data-driven decision-making as well as a more complete understanding of your target audience.

Marketing Team | Does Your Company Need a Marketing Agency?

Technology Buzz

Speaking of technology, as an agency, it is our job to keep our collective fingers on the pulse of “the next big thing,” from mobile apps to distribution channels. Could you ever have guessed social media would even be a thing or the role digital marketing would play for businesses? Agencies know what’s hot, what’s not, and what’s right for your individual marketing needs.

Technology for Marketing | Does Your Company Need a Marketing Agency?

In-House Marketing Vs. Agency

An “in-house” agency is also an option. However, not only would you be adding HR director to your resume, but forming a team with the level of skill and competency required to put together and execute the same level of work as an actual agency could cost you well over six figures a year. Most agency rates are lower than one executive salary. Plus, agency resources do not require full-time salaries, benefits and other overhead.

We may be biased, but overall, working with an agency offers more collaboration, creativity and opportunity for organic growth. See how VIRGEN Digital Brand Marketing can help you achieve your marketing goals!

Marketing Strategy  | Does Your Company Need a Marketing Agency?

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