So, what exactly is influencer marketing? In short, it is a form of content marketing where a celebrity or public figure (or even an animal) with a large social following is called upon by a brand to create unique content promoting a product or service. In exchange for money, of course.
What You Should Know About Influencer Marketing
As we know, content marketing has become one of the most, if not THE most, impactful forms of marketing. As traditional media viewership, like TV, declines while social media audiences skyrocket, businesses rely on content marketing more than ever to engage their audience. Add the popularity of “celebrities” who have emerged from platforms like YouTube, Instagram and TikTok, and you have a true marketing force that advertisers continue to lean on not just for their brand recognition but also for their unique brand of content creation and capabilities.
Here are a few reasons you may want to consider adding influencer marketing to your content strategy:

Content Creation + Distribution
Gone are the days when only a high-end production studio and a big budget could churn out buzzworthy content. Social influencers check off two boxes on your content to-do list: creation and distribution. When you partner with an influencer, they not only create original high-quality content, but they share it with their extensive fan base and help you reach a large chunk of targeted consumers.
Influencers come in many sizes, from big-name celebs with a kajillion followers to the lesser-known micro-influencers (think mommy bloggers, shutterbugs, yoga enthusiasts, pet lovers, etc.). But these macro- and micro-influencers have one thing in common: relatability. They have a deep passion for, and knowledge of, a particular subject, and that passion resonates with their respective audiences — and yours!
It’s not just authenticity that keeps an influencer’s audience hanging on. Like any good marketer, influencers have spent a long time getting to know their fans and understanding what makes them tick. They have amassed loyal communities who are 100% engaged with their content because they have done the legwork. They’ve experimented with types of content and interacted with their followers to figure out exactly what they want.
Saved Time and Money
We all like to save time and money, and partnering with an influencer may help you do just that. Depending on your agreement, you may be able to repurpose the influencer content to fit additional marketing initiatives across multiple channels, from social media to website and banner ads. Bonus: Recycling content means you can refer to the audience feedback to further tailor your message.
Is influencer marketing right for you? VIRGEN Digital Brand Marketing can help you find out.